Sustainability Strategies, Goals and Results

Toward Sustainable Management

Identifying Materialities

We used the following process to identify materialities that are important and a priority in order to increase the Yamato Group's corporate value in the medium to long-term and create a sustainable society.

STEP 1: Narrowing Down Candidate Materialities

Based on international frameworks such as the GRI Guidelines, SASB standards, ISO26000, the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), and ESG survey items that investors consider to be highly important to the Group's business, we considered risks and opportunities in our business using actual data and narrowed down candidate materialities that contribute to building a sustainable society and enhancing the Group's  corporate value.

STEP 2: Stakeholder Dialogues (held in November 2019)

We received opinions from stakeholders with regard to the candidate materialities narrowed down in STEP 1, and held stakeholder dialogues to confirm their validity.


On January 23, 2020, we announced the YAMATO NEXT100 sustainable management reform plan; a grand design for the Yamato Group's medium to long-term management in the future.

The plan outlines three business structure transformations and three infrastructure transformations.

We will focus on creating a sustainable society by establishing Sustainability Initiatives: Management Incorporating the Environment and Society as one of our infrastructure transformations.
Under this plan, we have identified two visions-for the environment and society-as visions to open up a sustainable future, and identified materialities.

Environmental Vision

Connect. Deliver the future via green logistics.

Yamato Group will further strive to connect and deliver the future through green logistics. By leveraging cutting-edge connections between data, people, and resources, we will increase the efficiency of transportation and provide delivery that is better for the planet, our lifestyles, and the economy. We will support a strong, smart society by striving toward carbon neutrality and by creating business models based on sustainable resource use and consumption.

*Scope 1 & 2 emissions (Yamato Group operations)

Social Vision

Through co-creation and fair business activities, help create a society that "leaves no one behind*"

As a social infrastructure company, Yamato Group will contribute to improving the quality of life (QOL) of various people, including employees and customers, by reducing and eliminating various inequalities and obstacles in society. We will do this by delivering goods and value to everyone in society through fair and efficient business processes.

By promoting digital innovation and our strengths offline, as well as co-creation with various partners, we will be a leader in solving social challenges and creating a society that leaves no one behind.

* To leave no one behind: Basic philosophy of the SDGs

The Sustainable Medium-Term Plans 2023

The Sustainable Medium-Term Plans 2023 are medium-term plans in which we set out specific actions for addressing each materialities and targets we aim to achieve by fiscal 2023.
We have made steady progress toward achieving the plans, despite some issues remaining until fiscal 2022. For these remaining issues, we are analyzing the causes and making progress with achieving targets.