Management Philosophy
The Yamato Group Corporate Philosophy originates from the "Core Values" established in 1931, and consists of three pillars: our "Management Philosophy," "Corporate Stance," and "Employee Code of Conduct." Each of these is clearly stated as follows.
- 1The "Management Philosophy" describes the purpose of the Yamato Group's business operations and the direction we should take as a corporation.
- 2The "Corporate Stance" includes the promises made by the Yamato Group to society and what we will always do to fulfill them.
- 3The "Employee Code of Conduct" describes the way employees of the Yamato Group should think and act in their daily activities based on the Corporate Philosophy.
The Yamato Group shares this Corporate Philosophy with all of our Group employees and will continue to be "a corporation that contributes to the development of a sustainable society," "a corporation that our employees can always be proud to be a part of," and "a corporation that is trusted by society."

Management Philosophy
The Yamato Group's purpose of our business operations and the direction we should take as a corporation in the future are described in our "Management Philosophy."

Corporate Stance
The promises made by the Yamato Group to society and what we will always do to fulfill them as we realize our "Management Philosophy" are described in our "Corporate Stance."

Employee Code of Conduct
The way all people who work at the Yamato Group should think and act in their daily activities in light of the "Management Philosophy" and "Corporate Stance" is described in our "Employee Code of Conduct."
Core Values
The Core Values established in 1931 incorporate a variety of worthy lessons of value both now and in the future. We regard these Core Values as the spirit that launched the company and will continue to pass on the vision and qualities of our predecessors that formed the premise of the Yamato Group.
Basic Spirit of the Core Values
1.We all represent the company.
Yamato was built on the concept that people represent a greater asset than money, facilities, and equipment. Our employees are not simply "human resources." Instead, they are our greatest asset. We understand and respect the fact that each employee brings unique value to the company.
2.We connect our customers' hearts with every delivery.
The transportation of goods is the origin of Yamato's business. However, we transport more than just goods; we deliver our customers' thoughts and emotions through each service. And so it is important that every Yamato employee is always attentive and eager in asking, "What can I do to bring each and everyone of our customers more satisfaction?"
3.We conduct ourselves both professionally and ethically.
As every Yamato employee is engaged in a wide-reaching service that is indispensable to their communities, each employee must always ask himself/herself, "How can I be more useful to my community?" The important responsibility with which Yamato employees have been charged is to maintain the high quality of existing services that make people's daily lives and business processes easier, as well as to bring added value through new services. Through each employee's efforts to help their community prosper, Yamato is helping to enrich the society as a whole.
Management Philosophy
Our Management Philosophy expresses the business objectives of the Yamato Group and the direction toward which we are working.
Yamato helps enrich our society by enhancing our social infrastructure, creating more convenient services for evolving lifestyles and industries, and developing innovative logistics and distribution systems.
Corporate Stance
Our corporate stance expresses our core concept of carrying out the Yamato Group promise to strive to achieve our Management Philosophy.
The Yamato Group seeks to be profitable through fair and honest competition while respecting human rights and upholding the letter and spirit of laws and international regulations. We are working to become a company that continues to develop together with society by always acting with ethical integrity.
1.Pursuit of customer satisfaction
The Yamato Group always provides high-quality services with sincerity and delivers satisfaction to our customers. We constantly take on the challenge of innovation and develop new services that solve social issues and improve the convenience of daily life.
2. Sincere response to customers
The Yamato Group provides information on its products and services in an appropriate manner. We will also value the attitude of learning humbly from our customers, always listen to their opinions, and respond quickly and sincerely.
3.Respect for life
The Yamato Group regards human life with the utmost respect and endeavors to achieve safety.
4.The pleasure of work
The Yamato Group aims to create an environment where employees can work with peace of mind, respect each other's personalities and recognize diversity, and through active communication, to become a company where each individual can exercise their own initiative and take pleasure in their work.
5.Adherence to laws and fair practices
The Yamato Group strictly complies with the laws, regulations, rules, social norms, and the spirit thereof applicable in all countries and regions where we conduct business activities, and acts fairly and sincerely with high ethical standards. If a corporate scandal were to occur, management itself will take the initiative and responsibility to investigate the cause and prevent recurrence.In the event of misconduct that violates the Yamato Group Corporate Philosophy, top management officials will personally clarify their approach toward resolving the issue and will investigate the cause to prevent its reoccurrence.
6.A corporation trusted by the local community
The Yamato Group carries out business activities as a trusted member of the local community, andassists and advocates for persons with disabilities.
7.Promoting environmental conservation
The Yamato Group seeks solutions through its business for environmental problems, a common problem for all of humanity, as well as actively contributes to the realization of a sustainable society.
8. Fair relationships with partners and clients
The Yamato Group selects its partners and clients appropriately using comprehensive judgments based on objective information and in accordance with social norms, while ensuring fair and transparent transactions and aiming for co-existence and co-prosperity.Yamato Group shall thoroughly block the links to antisocial groups that are offensive to public order and morals.
9.Disclosure of corporate data and accountability practices
The Yamato Group is always working to accurately and promptly disclose corporate information with the aim of becoming a transparent corporation trusted by the public.
10.Protection of personal information
The Yamato Group has taken it upon ourselves to define our policy for handling personal and client information. We aspire to appropriately manage and safeguard privacy.
11. Appropriate record keeping and information management
The Yamato Group appropriately conducts work-related recording and reporting, and appropriately manages the company's information assets in accordance with laws, regulations, and our internal rules.
12. Co-existence and co-prosperity with stakeholders
The Yamato Group respects human rights in all of our business activities and strives to achieve co-existence and co-prosperity through proactive communication with all of our stakeholders.
Employee Code of Conduct
The Employee Code of Conduct describes the way employees of the Yamato Group should think and act in their daily activities based on the Corporate Philosophy.
1.Pursuit of customer satisfaction
- 1Each and every one of us will consider the customer's perspective as we work, applying our creativity and ingenuity without being bound by precedent, and will strive to create new products and services that anticipate the needs of our customers.
- 2Each and every one of us, as a representative of Yamato, will provide products and services to our customers with sincerity and responsibility. We will also pay close attention to our dress, appearance, and language in daily work.
- 3We are aware that the Yamato Group uniform is a sign representing our company, and we will act with responsibility and sensibility. In addition, we will not engage in any misleading activities such as drinking alcohol or entering or using entertainment facilities while still wearing our uniforms after work.
2. Sincere response to customers
- 1 We will provide our customers with clear and accurate explanations of our products, services, and transaction conditions to avoid any misunderstandings.
- 2We will always consider whether our products and services are convenient for customers and will strive to improve them.
- 3 We value the attitude of learning humbly from our customers We will respond promptly and sincerely to customer comments and inquiries, and use them to improve our products and services.
3. Respect for life
- 1We place the utmost priority on respect for human life and always put safety first in our actions. In addition to strictly complying with laws, regulations, and rules related to safety management, we will work to create a safe work environment, ensure safe driving and safe work practices, and constantly strive to improve our skills.
- 2We are aware that we use public roads for our business, and we will always drive safely and considerately, even when we are not working, such as during commutes or on holidays, so as not to cause inconvenience to local residents.
- 3In the event of a traffic accident, parcel accident, industrial accident, or the like, we will promptly report the incident as well as investigate the cause and work to prevent recurrence.
- 4We will never drink and drive for any reason whatsoever.
4. The pleasure of work
- 1We respect the diversity of each employee's personality, values, and flexible working style, and strive to create a comfortable working environment. We will also strive to create a rewarding workplace by constructing a workplace culture in which each employee can act with initiative.
- 2We value communication in the workplace. If problems or questions occur at work, we will not keep it to ourselves, but will report to, contact, and consult with our supervisors and colleagues.
- 3We will strive to realize a good working environment where people can work comfortably. We will not tolerate any violations of the law, as well as the personal use of our position as employees, invasion of privacy, entertaining or gift-giving within the company with the expectation of receiving something in return, behavior that harms others mentally or physically, or harassment. In particular, we will not engage in political or religious activities or the like based on our personal beliefs during working hours or using our position in the company.
- 4 In order for each of us to lead a healthy life, we will take an interest in the mental and physical health of ourselves, our families, and our colleagues, and work to improve our health on a daily basis such as by exercising moderately and refraining from excessive drinking and smoking.
5. Adherence to laws and fair practices
- 1We will understand and strictly comply with the laws, regulations, and rules related to our work in all countries and regions where we conduct business activities. In particular, we will ensure that all permits, licenses, and reports are obtained and submitted as required by law for our work.
- 2When we entertain or give gifts, we will do so within the scope of what is socially appropriate. We will not engage in any bribery that violates the laws, regulations, or rules of any country or region, nor will we engage in any act that could be suspected of being bribery.
- 3We will not support, donate to, or otherwise contribute to any particular political party, political organization, or religious group, or to any politician or religious figure.
- 4In cases where it is difficult to make decisions based on laws, regulations, or rules, we will act with sincerity by referring back to the Group Corporate Philosophy. In addition, if we discover any act that violates or is suspected of violating the Group Corporate Philosophy, we will immediately consult with our supervisors, or if that is difficult, consult with the designated consultation desk.
- 5In the unlikely event of a violation of the Group Corporate Philosophy, we will fully cooperate with investigations and the like conducted by the Company. In addition, in the event of an accident, trouble, or the like related to our own work, we will clarify the cause and thoroughly prevent recurrence.
- 6We recognize that the company's credibility and brand are important intangible company assets, and we will not engage in acts that would damage the company's credibility, such as disseminating information that may be misunderstood by society.
6. A corporation trusted by the local community
- 1We will strive to deepen communication with local communities and to cooperate in local events and activities, as well as respect the culture and history of local communities and contribute to the development of sustainable and prosperous communities through our business.
- 2We will provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities and promote activities to support their independence, as well as actively engage in volunteer activities for those who are vulnerable in society.
7. Promoting environmental conservation
- 1We will strictly comply with the environmental laws, regulations, and rules of each country and region, including those related to waste disposal, noise, and air pollution, and will make various notifications in a lawful manner.
- 2Each and every one of us will value the environment and promote environmental protection through our daily actions. In particular, we will strive to conserve resources and energy, sort and reduce the amount of waste generated, and recycle.
- 3We will work to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities as well as provide environmentally-friendly products and services.
8. Fair relationships with partners and clients
- 1We will make comprehensive judgments of our partners, including subcontractors, in terms of quality, price, stable supply, environmental impact, and other factors in order to select them fairly. In addition, by grasping the actual situation of our clients and conducting appropriate screening, we will ensure that we have no relationship whatsoever with antisocial forces or parties involved in illegal activities such as money laundering.
- 2We will always stand on an equal footing with our partners, strive for co-existence and co-prosperity, and treat our partners with courtesy and moderation. In addition, we will not personally accept business entertainment or gifts.
- 3We will comply with the Antimonopoly Act, the Subcontract Act, and related laws and regulations, and always engage in fair and free competition. We will not engage in unfair transactions or acts, such as matching transaction conditions with other companies in the same industry or using our position in a transaction to impose unreasonable prices or transaction conditions on our partners.
9. Disclosure of corporate data and accountability practices
- 1We will use company assets, including vehicles and facilities, with care and will manage them appropriately, including efforts for upkeep and maintenance.
- 2We will carry out accounting that is in accordance with the tax laws and accounting standards applicable to our work, and will provide appropriate financial reporting.
- 3When acquiring or disposing of assets or spending money, we will do so in an appropriate manner in accordance with the prescribed approval procedures. We will not engage in any activities that may be suspected of mixing public and private matters or misconduct.
- 4We will not engage in stock trading (insider trading) using undisclosed material facts (insider information). We will not leak insider information to third parties, including family members, nor will we recommend buying or selling stocks.
10. Protection of personal information
- 1We will strictly comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws and regulations regarding the personal information we handle in our work, use said information within the scope of legitimate purposes, and ensure information security. We will not disclose or provide personal information to other parties without the consent of the individual concerned, except as required by laws or regulations.
- 2We will manage, use, and dispose of the personal information we receive from our customers within the scope of legitimate purposes and in an appropriate manner in accordance with laws, regulations, and internal rules.
11. Appropriate record keeping and information management
- 1We will properly record and report on our work, including the reporting of working hours, the preparation of driving and work records, and the receipt and disbursement of money, and we will never falsify or conceal anything.
- 2We shall thoroughly manage the confidential information and intellectual property of our company and other companies in accordance with laws, regulations, and internal rules, and shall not leak or infringe upon such information. We also recognize that documents and data handled in our work are company information assets that must be kept confidential, and we will handle them appropriately in accordance with laws, regulations, and internal rules.
- 3We will not engage in any activities that may lead to information leaks, such as the transmission of information on company business through social networking services (SNS) or other means, or conversations containing confidential business information in public places.
12. Co-existence and co-prosperity with stakeholders
- 1We will respect the human rights of individuals and recognize diversity (including nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, ideology, place of origin, gender, age, disabilities, gender identity, sexual orientation, and employment status).
- 2We will actively communicate with our customers, employees, society, partners, shareholders and other stakeholders to maintain fair relationships and achieve co-existence and co-prosperity.