Atmosphere ~Clean Up the Skies (Prevent Air Pollution)~

As a heavy vehicle user, preventing air pollution is a key issue for the Yamato Group. The Group has identified "Atmosphere" as one of its materialities, and is engaged in initiatives in this area based on its environmental policy. The Group's Medium-Term Environmental Plan sets targets for this issue and pursue transportation that reduces the impact of air pollutants emitted by vehicles and clean up the skies in local communities.

Targets and results

Targets and Results in Environmental Medium-Term Plans 2023 (Sustainable Medium-Term Plans 2023)
Materiality FY2023 Targets FY2023 Results
  Clean Up the Skies
(Prevent Air Pollution)
Reduce NOx and PM emissions by 25% compared to 2020*6 Compared to fiscal 2020
NOx: 33% reduction
PM: 33% reduction
Introduce vehicles that emit fewer air pollutants Introduced 8,951 vehicles that emit fewer air pollutants
  Reduce air pollutant emissions from transportation Carry out investigations and collaborative research into automated mobility*5 with the aim of realizing a low-carbon transportation and preventing air pollution Continued conducting discussions and confirmation of technologies related to automated mobility with suppliers

*5 Automated mobility such as autonomous driving and truck platooning.
*6 The range refers to Yamato Transport Co., Ltd.

Related SDGs
Goal 3
Goal 9
Goal 11
Goal 12

For more targets, please refer to the the Sustainability Strategies, Goals and Results.

Performance Data

The Yamato Group has been introducing vehicles that generate lower emissions of NOx and particulate matter (PM), and has been working to comply with regulations and prevent air pollution.
We also keep track of air pollutants and chemical substances used in painting, etc., and work to reduce and conduct appropriate management of these substances.

Emissions of air contaminants, VOC, etc.
Item Boundary · Details Emission (t)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
NOx (nitrogen oxide) Domestic consolidated companies and Swan Co., Ltd. 608 665 612 512 443
Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. 500 501 463 380 326
SOx (sulphur oxide) 0 0 0 0 0
PM (particulate matter) Domestic consolidated companies and Swan Co., Ltd. 14 15 14 11 10
Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. 12 11 11 9 8
Chemicals Chemicals other than VOC 0 0 0 0 0
VOC * 0.92 0.92 0 0 0
  • Boundary of SOx and chemical substances: Consolidated Group companies in Japan, and Swan Co., Ltd.

*VOC: Volatile Organic Compounds