Priority Theme: Diversity and Inclusion

Investments in Companies

Yamato Holdings has invested in Mirairo Inc., which engages in universal design for products and buildings so that they can be used by everyone regardless of their gender or language.
For details, please refer to Human Rights & Diversity.

Yamato Welfare Foundation Activities

The Yamato Welfare Foundation was established in 1993 by the late Masao Ogura, the creator of TA-Q-BIN and the former chairperson of Yamato Transport, who invested his private fortune after retiring. Based on the Yamato Group's Corporate Stance of being a company trusted by local communities, the foundation is responsible for the Group's social contribution activities, narrowing down its activities to support the economic independence of people with disabilities.

Subsidized Projects

Grant presentation ceremony
Grant presentation ceremony

To support their independence, the foundation provides grants to offices and facilities that are making efforts to improve the salaries of people with disabilities, as well as projects and volunteer work that lead to the happiness of people with disabilities regardless of salary increases. Additionally, the foundation awards scholarships, which do not need to be repaid, to university students with disabilities.
Subsidized welfare projects for people with disabilities
Payment of scholarships to university students with disabilities

Power-Up Forum for Workplaces Employing People with Disabilities

Power-Up Forum
Power-Up Forum for Workplaces Employing People with Disabilities

We launched the Power-Up Forum for Workplaces Employing People with Disabilities under the main theme of “helping people feel happy through independence” as a forum to deepen understanding of the work and lifestyles of people with disabilities. This forum is based on the Small-Scale Workshop Power-Up Seminar launched by Masao Ogura.
Note: the forum was held online during fiscal 2020 and 2021.

Project to Encourage Employment

Operations at Swan industrial laundromat
Operations at Swan industrial laundromat

With the aim of encouraging the economic independence of people with disabilities, we are supporting the activities of Swan Co., Ltd., who manage Swan Bakery, and the activities of the Yamato Welfare Foundation’s Self-Support Center. These enable people with disabilities to gain knowledge and skills, search for work, and retain jobs after initial employment through various services, including the manufacture and sale of bread, the cleaning of clothes, and the cleaning of buildings.

Yamato Welfare Foundation Masao Ogura Award Presentation

Yamato Welfare Foundation Masao Ogura Award Ceremony
Yamato Welfare Foundation Masao Ogura Award Ceremony

The Yamato Welfare Foundation Masao Ogura Award is given to two individuals each year to praise the distinguished actions of those actively promoting solutions to issues, such as the creation and expansion of support for independence and recruitment of people with disabilities and improvement of working conditions.

Volunteer Projects

Volunteer activities
Volunteer activities

We are promoting volunteer projects to increase interactions, in collaboration with the Yamato Transport labor union, by connecting Yamato Group employees with facilities for people with disabilities in each region. In fiscal 2022, over 103 employees participated in volunteer activities.

Activities of Group Companies

Support for Service Dogs

From 2017, Yamato System Development has been sending donated items, such as used postal stamps, unused postal stamps, soiled postcards, unused postcards, telephone cards, various vouchers, detergent, and dog gear, to the Japanese Association for the Promotion of Hearing Dogs. The foundation is responsible for the training, certification, and publicity of “assistance dogs for people with physical disabilities (seeing eye dogs, hearing assistance dogs, and service dogs),” which support people with physical disabilities.

Support for Service Dogs
Donated items
Donated items